Lomba Debat Bahasa Inggris Bulan Februari 2018
EURECA 2017 - Dokumentasi Pribadi |
Halo Indonesian English Debater. Dalam blog post kali ini, saya ingin menginformasikan tentang lomba debat Bahasa Inggris di bulan Februari 2018. Masih ada waktu 2 bulan lebih untuk persiapan latihan dan coaching bersama teman-teman komunitas debatmu di kampus.
Langsung saja, ada lomba debat Bahasa inggris apa saja sih di bulan Februari 2018? Ada dua lomba, pertama: ALSA UNPAD English Challenge 2018. Kedua: EURECA Management Debate Competition 2018.
1. ALSA UNPAD English Challenge 2018
Tanggal : February 23-26 2018
Tempat : Faculty of Law Universitas Padjadjaran Dipatiukur, Bandung
Format Debat : Asian Parliamentary, no N1 Policy
Kapasitas Tim : 40 Varsity Teams and 16 High School Teams, with 8 teams on the waiting list. Each institution will be able to register 2 teams.
Tempat : Faculty of Law Universitas Padjadjaran Dipatiukur, Bandung
Format Debat : Asian Parliamentary, no N1 Policy
Kapasitas Tim : 40 Varsity Teams and 16 High School Teams, with 8 teams on the waiting list. Each institution will be able to register 2 teams.
Periode Registerasi Lomba:
1 November 2017 - 26 January 2018 (open registration)
29 January 2018 (main list announcement)
29 January – 7 February 2018 (First payment phase)
8 February 2018 (secured teams and promoted teams announcement)
9 February – 12 February 2018 (Second payment phase)
16 February 2018 (final list announcement)
9 February – 12 February 2018 (Second payment phase)
16 February 2018 (final list announcement)
List juri debat Bahasa Inggris ALSA UNPAD tahun ini:
CA: Rita Nurhasanah (UNPAD)
- Octofinalist ALSA UNPAD 2017
- Octofinalist NUDC 2017
- Debaters for United Asian Debating Championship 2017
DCA: Ahmad Kushay (ITB)
- Breaking Adjudicator of Malaysia Debate Open 2016
- EFL Champion of Cambodia United Asian Debating Championship 2017
- 1st Runner-up of Java Overland Intervarsities English Debate 2017
- 1st Runner-up of Padjadjaran Debating Championship 2017
- Grandfinalist of Atma Open 2017
- Top 5 Best Speakers of NUDC 2017
- Top 10 Best Speakers of IVED, ALSA UI 2017
DCA: Syagung Gunawan May (UGM)
- EFL Grand Finalist & 6th Best EFL Speaker of Krabi Asian British Parliamentary (ABP) Debating Championship, Thailand 2017.
- EFL Semi Finalist & 3rd Best EFL Speaker of Cambodia United Asia Debating Championship (UADC) , 2017.
- Champion & 3rd Best Speaker ALSA E-Comp UI 2017
- Champion of English Parade 2017, Universitas Brawijaya.
- Grand Finalist & Top 5 Speaker of World Universities Peace Invitational Debate (WUPID) Indonesia Round 2017
- 2nd Runner Up & 3rd Best Speaker ALSA Crushbone Debating Competition (ACDC) 2017, Universitas Gadjah Mada.
- A-Core GMDT 2017, Breaking Judge Jakarta ABP 2016.
CA: Rita Nurhasanah (UNPAD)
- Octofinalist ALSA UNPAD 2017
- Octofinalist NUDC 2017
- Debaters for United Asian Debating Championship 2017
DCA: Ahmad Kushay (ITB)
- Breaking Adjudicator of Malaysia Debate Open 2016
- EFL Champion of Cambodia United Asian Debating Championship 2017
- 1st Runner-up of Java Overland Intervarsities English Debate 2017
- 1st Runner-up of Padjadjaran Debating Championship 2017
- Grandfinalist of Atma Open 2017
- Top 5 Best Speakers of NUDC 2017
- Top 10 Best Speakers of IVED, ALSA UI 2017
DCA: Syagung Gunawan May (UGM)
- EFL Grand Finalist & 6th Best EFL Speaker of Krabi Asian British Parliamentary (ABP) Debating Championship, Thailand 2017.
- EFL Semi Finalist & 3rd Best EFL Speaker of Cambodia United Asia Debating Championship (UADC) , 2017.
- Champion & 3rd Best Speaker ALSA E-Comp UI 2017
- Champion of English Parade 2017, Universitas Brawijaya.
- Grand Finalist & Top 5 Speaker of World Universities Peace Invitational Debate (WUPID) Indonesia Round 2017
- 2nd Runner Up & 3rd Best Speaker ALSA Crushbone Debating Competition (ACDC) 2017, Universitas Gadjah Mada.
- A-Core GMDT 2017, Breaking Judge Jakarta ABP 2016.
Pembayaran hanya akan dilakukan setelah tim utama / main list team diumumkan oleh panitia.
Biaya Registrasi:
Varsity Debate / Debat Tingkat Universitas: IDR 650.000/team
Varsity Debate / Debat Tingkat Universitas: IDR 650.000/team
High School Debate / Debat Tingkat SMA: IDR 500.000/team
Biaya registrasi mencakup makan dan cemilan (snacks) selama kompetisi berlangsung, tapi tidak termasuk dengan akomodasi tim selama di Bandung.
Pembayarannya bisa ditransfer pada rekening berikut:
Nama Bank : BRI
Nomor Rekening : 040101012815508
Nama Bank : BRI
Nomor Rekening : 040101012815508
Atas Nama : Dinie Koeswandi
Panitia juga menyediakan akomodasi untuk tim, informasinya bisa diakses melalui website resmi ALSA: https://alsaenglishchallenge.com/accomodation/
Registration Link: ALSA English Challenge 2018
- Yogi: 082127389148 / Line: @yogibratajaya
- Yogi: 082127389148 / Line: @yogibratajaya
2. EURECA 2018
EURECA 2018 - Management Debate Competition
Dates: 26 February- 1 March 2018 (Monday - Thursday)
Venue: Jakarta, Indonesia
Institution: Universitas Prasetiya Mulya
Chief Adjudicator: Fadhilah Fitri (Universitas Indonesia)
Tournament: 6 Preliminary Rounds, Pre-Quarters, Quarters, Semifinals, 3rd Pole, and Grand Final
Format: Asian Parliamentary
Team cap: 32 teams
Team Registration Fee: 650,000 IDR
Registration Timeline: November 29th, 2017 - January 14th, 2018
1st Place Award: 10,000,000 IDR
2nd Place Award: 8,000,000 IDR
3rd Place Award: 6,000,000 IDR
Best Speaker Award: 1,000,000 IDR
Register yourself at: EURECA Management Debate Competition 2018
We are also opening up adjudicator application. The adjudicator fees are as follows:
Preliminary and Pre-Quarter Finals Rounds: 90,000 IDR
Quarter Finals: 95,000 IDR
Semi Finals: 100,000 IDR
Grand Final: 105,000 IDR
If you are interested in adjudicating at EURECA 2018, please fill in the form here: tinyurl.com/Eureca2018Judge
Should you have inquiry regarding the adjudicator application, you can contact Fadhilah directly through Line: fadhilahfitri97
For further information regarding the competition, you can contact:
LINE ID: nat99wijaya
Phone/WA: 08119451004
Itu dia lomba debat Bahasa Inggris yang diadakan di bulan Februari 2018. Silahkan pilih mana lomba yang ingin kamu ikuti. Kalau kampus atau sekolahmu juga mengadakan lomba debat Bahasa Inggris, kamu bisa mempromosikannya di blog ini. Semoga informasi lomba ini bisa bermanfaat buatmu ya, khususnya buat kamu yang ingin mendapatkan prestasi melalui lomba debat Bahasa Inggris.
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